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Record ID
Our records show you are already signed up. Do you want to unenroll from paperless invoicing and the online payment option?
You have been unenrolled from paperless invoicing and online payment.
Click to Exit
You are registered for Online Payment.
You will NOT receive a paper invoice next year.
Remember to add the secretary's email to your contacts to ensure you don't miss notifications
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If any of this information is incorrect stop and contact the Secretary at:
The next regular meeting is on Thursday, October 10th, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
Safety is the individual responsibility of each member.
While at the range take a moment to review our safety rules.
According to our Chief Range Officer the most violated provisions are:
1) Failure to uncase & case at the FIRING LINE only.
2) Keeping your finger off the trigger until the target is acquired.
We welcomed 18 new members this year and some long-time members joined us for the range orientations.
Watch this space for more announcements.
Paperless: 104
Applicants: 18
Apply for Membership Online
Applicants should check your email and add to your contacts to avoid missing notification emails.
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