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Membership Information
Lewis Wetzel Rifle & Pistol Club is private membership club comprised of a limit of 400 dues paying members. We are an NRA and CMP affiliate organization. Our membership period opens (online) April 15th and closes May 31st.
Any published shooting events that appear on our website can be attended by the general public however being on the property or using the range at any other time is strictly prohibited by non-members.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Lewis Wetzel Rifle & Pistol Club you must be sponsored by a current member in good standing. If you do not know a member then you are encouraged to attend, either as an observer or participant, one of our published events to become more familiar with the club its activities and some of our members. These events are not, however, training classes. If you are unfamiliar with structured range safety, specific equipment or conduct of these matches your first visit should be to observe, learn and make introductions at appropriate times during or after the event; However, be mindful not to distract the match director or anyone on or near the firing line.
Hearing and eye protection is mandatory!
The number of membership openings varies each year. Once applications are received and reviewed qualifying submissions will be read before the membership with a prospective member’s sponsor promoting the prospect at a regular monthly meeting.
Once voting is complete accepted applicants will be notified and scheduled to attend a required Range Safety Orientation. At that time a one-time initiation fee ($100.00) and dues ($100.00 per year) will be collected. Membership will not be granted if an applicant fails to appear for an orientation. Membership does not take effect until the orientation is complete and all fees paid. At that point you are considered a “member in good standing” with all rights and privileges granted, including the ability to sponsor other new members to the club the following year.
The normal membership year begins on July 1st of each year. Invoices are mailed to members on June 1st, are payable upon receipt and must include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for return of your membership badge. Membership dues not received postmarked by June 30th will result in membership forfeiture. There is no grace period. Members opting for online payment will receive a notification email with a payment link and upon payment will have their Range Access badge mailed to them.
For questions contact:
Mark Kuntz
Recording Secretary, LWRPC
The next meeting will be Thurs., February 13th, 2025 at 7 pm
Safety is the individual responsibility of each member.
While at the range take a moment to review our safety rules.
According to our Chief Range Officer the most violated provisions are:
1) Failure to uncase & case at the FIRING LINE only.
2) Keeping your finger off the trigger until the target is acquired.
The range will be closed on the first and third Thursday of each month at 5:00 pm for 4-H.
This will be in effect until approximately May, 2025
Paperless: 104
Applicants: 18
Apply for Membership Online
Applicants should check your email and add to your contacts to avoid missing notification emails.
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